Thursday, July 16, 2009


I am currently interested in several different crafty kind of hobbies. This blog is here to showcase all of them. So, what kind of projects might I show here? Well, I am currently learning to sew, so I will probably be putting up those completed projects. Right now, I mostly do costumes (because no one really pays that much attention to quality there) and clothes for my daughter. I am also hoping to make some doll clothes as well soon.

I also enjoy cross stitching so I will put up some finished work as well as WIPs. My husband sometimes cross stitches, so I might put up some of his work.

I rarely paint warhammer figures, but if I do and they look cool, I'll put up pics of those. In addition, I might put up some of my daughters amazing artwork. :)

Since these projects all take a long time, I don't plan to update often, and mostly, this will just be pics. Hope folks enjoy seeing (or in most cases, being forced to see) my crafty projects.


  1. I don't know that painting war hammer figures really makes you more girly, but they are cool. My sil paints them for people.

  2. Well, yeah, the warhammer aren't girly, but I don't do that often anymore. :)
